mar. 4th - yeah, success in Bulgaria ! pix & vids are coming ! thk you to one of our best supporter Ivan for this cool video. watch it !
feb. 20th - DISGORGED FOETUS appear in "Sounds from the CRYPT" of DR GORE sampler. view artwork and watch teaser !
jan. 10th - official t-shirt event for our gig in Sofia will be available only at gig's day, order via PM ! view artwork
dec. 13th - new release on all digital streaming plateforms : deezer / apple music / spotify and more here
dec. 12th - official release date : Gorging with Excess of Purulent Cancerous Boils double CD / tape / double tape limited slipcase
dec. 6th - tomorrow with our Italian GOREfreaks, GORE 'em all @ Centrale Rock Pub in Erba. running order
nov. 18th - PRE ORDER ALERT : double CD VERSION (view artwork) ../.. double TAPE VERSION (view artwork)
nov. 3rd - pleasant report on our local newspaper, french only : JHM
oct. 11th - from the new release, discover an exclusive track "sect sex six LIVE" on our chanel
oct. 4th - new release for december : Gorging with Excess of Purulent Cancerous Boils (double CD).
CD 1 : tracks from 2017 to 2023, CD 2 : utter GORE over Lausanne (live Switzerland). view artwork

CD 1 : alternative versions, unreleased & rare rehearsals

01 - welcome to the GORYholes / fumes of the putrid scent of moldy bodies (remixed & edited version)
02 - depravity & scatology (armageddon new mix)
03 - zombie apocalypse - INEDIT TRACK (MORTICIAN cover)
04 - brain oozing - LIVE CH (feat. Simon of Pulmonary Fibrosis)

05 - GORY rapes (the confessions of an uterus lining destroyer)
06 - lovely rectal pestilencial agony (alternative version)
07 - the morbid gynaec(r)ologist
08 - fumes of the putrid scent of moldy bodies (new take)
09 - wide open the cunts (triumph of the penis pt. II)
10 - virgin vulva lips necklace
11 - outragous collection of women limbs

12 - depravity & scatology
13 - syphilitic invasion

14 - bloodcum old ritual fetishism
15 - fistfuck the headless and carbonized infected bodies
16 - putrefying gangrenous abscess
17 - virgin vulva lips necklace

18 - cunt's rotten secretions
19 - purulent orgasmic vaginal fluids
20 - lovely rectal pestilencial agony
21 - syphilitic invasion

CD 2 : utter GORE over Lausanne

01 - grotesque suppuration (bloody overture)
02 - fumes of the putrid scent of moldy bodies
03 - fistfuck the headless and carbonized infected bodies
04 - depravity & scatology
05 - sect sex six
06 - stench of corpse
07 - bloodcum old ritual fetishism
08 - embryonic necrophagus (pt III)
09 - the morbid gynaec(r)ologist
10 - brain oozing (feat. Simon of Pulmonary Fibrosis)
11 - triumph of the penis (wide open the cunts)
12 - wide open the cunts (triumph of the penis pt.II)
13 - embryonic necrophagus (pt II)
14 - zombie apocalypse
15 - born in GORE

more details- - - - - - -order it

december 7th, 2024 - Erba (Italy)

coming next !

> 2023 oct. 7th, Sublime Torture Fest, PORTUGAL
> 2023 feb. 2nd, Trepannation Fest, SWITZERLAND
> 2024 feb. 3rd, Bousille Club, FR
> 2024 march 23th, Irish Day Fest, FR
> 2024 may 16th, Nice to Eat You, CZ
> 2024 may 17th, Nice to Eat You, CZ [added show]
> 2024 dec. 7th, Erba - ITALY
> 2025 feb. 28th, Grind Over Sofia, BULGARIA

more to come, stay tuned !

  • Gorging with Excess of Purulent Cancerous BoilsGorging with Excess of Purulent Cancerous Boilsdouble CD - december 12th, 2024
  • obscene utter GORE annihilationobscene utter GORE annihilationfull lengh CD - december 15th, 2023
  • GOREcollectionGORE collectiondouble 12" LP - february 2023
  • Re Degradating the TissuesRe Degradating the Tissuessplit CD - october 1st, 2020
  • Putrefying Gangrenous AbscessPutrefying Gangrenous AbscessMCD - july 10th, 2018
  • Bloodcum Old Ritual Fetishism promoBloodcum Old Ritual Fetishismpromo CD-r - september 2017
  • Years of GOREmageddonYears of GOREmageddonsplit CD - june 2006
  • GORE visions - the DVDGORE visionsDVD - march 2005
  • GORY Foetal FeastGORY Foetal Feastsplit CD - october 1st, 2002
  • The GORE partyThe GORE partyMCD - march 3rd, 2001
  • Degradation of the Lymphatic TissueDegradation of the Lymphatic TissueTAPE - april 1997
  • Vomit in EntrailsVomit in EntrailsTAPE - march 1997
carnage I : bloody and brutal degeneracy of the human flesh
001 - cunt's rotten secretions (M : Dav & Dams)
002 - fistfuck the headless and carbonized infected bodies (M+L : Dams)
003 - depravity & scatology (M+L : Dams)
004 - purulent orgasmic vaginal fluids (M : Dav & Dams / L : Dams)
carnage II : living human bodies becomes the only food
005 - lovely rectal pestilential agony (M+L : Dams)
006 - embryonic necrophagus (pt. III - age of purulence) (M+L : Dams)
007 - bloodcum old ritual fetishism (M+L : Dams)
008 - a) flesh opening interlude (M+L : Dams)
carnage III : violent butchery on all these bodies torn from their limbs
009 - virgin vulva lips necklace (M+L : Dams)
010 - outrageous collection of women limbs (M+L : Dams)
011 - syphilitic invasion (pus attack pt. II) (M+L : Dams)
012 - GORY rapes (the confessions of an uterus lining destroyer) (M+L : Dams)
carnage IV : revenge of lifeless bodies eager for new fresh meat
013 - putrefying gangrenous abscess (M+L : Dams)
014 - fumes of the putrid scent of moldy bodies (M+L : Dams)
015 – blast the entrails (human organ's barbecue pt. I) (M : Dav / L : Dams)
016 - b) rotten interlude (M+L : Dams)
017 - the morbid gynaec(r)ologist (M+L : Dams)
carnage V : dead human flesh will live GORE eternal
018 – wide open the cunts (triumph of the penis pt. II) (M : Dav & Dams / L : Dams)
019 - ingested anal oozing in carnal lesions (M+L : Dams)
020 - born in GORE (M : Dams / L : Jo & Dams)
021 - cunt's rotten secretions (pt. II) / grand GOREmageddon : c) decomposed endclosure interlude (M+L : Dams)
more details- - - - - - -order it

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